html5 form controls Example, html5 new form elements, Html5 URL control, Html5 tel control, Html5 email control, Html5 search control, Html5 color control, Html5 Range control, Html5 Number control, Html5 date control, Html5 meter control, Html5 progress control, _____________________________________________ To execute this control use latest browser i suggest :chrome latest version 1.Html5 url Control: For entering a URL. It must start with a valid URI scheme, (for example http://, ftp:// or mailto:). Example: url<input type="url"> 2.Html5 Range Control: For number input, but unlike the number input type, the value is less important. It is displayed to the user as a slider control. The Range type input has a few interesting attributes which you may want to learn. Example: url<input type="range"> Attribute Descriptions value Value is a common attribute of "Input" element....
Blog is about HTM5 CSS3 tags as well as it gives tutorials about to create various types of templates using HTML and CSS .