HTML assignment list , HTML assignment list free download , HTML assignment list for IT students
Sr. No
Design a simple web page that shows your name in title of Internet Explorer, yellow background color & shows "WELCOME TO HTML" in heading 1 font. | |
Design web page that shows "Hello World" in headings 1 to 6. | |
Design web page that displays Short Note on Block Diagram of Computer in a paragraph. Type same description in different paragraph alignments. (Don't draw Block Diagram of Computer). | |
Type following ordered list.
1. Reynolds. i) 040 ii) 045 iii) Bold 2. Parker Pen. 3. Writer Pen. |
Type following unordered list
§ Aerobics Hall.
Design a web page that shows "Sunset.jpg" in different alignments. Write a brief description of sunset for showing its alignment with the image. | |
Design a web page that shows links to different courses viz. MCM, MBA, MCA. Upon clicking these links a table shows details about these courses viz. duration, fees, list of subjects. |
Design a web page that shows "Sunset.jpg" 500 pixels wide & 500 pixels vertical. Upon clicking this file, a description regarding sunset should be shown | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Design a web page to show your time table using table tag. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Design following table -
Design following table-
Design following table-
Design a web page which is divided into 3 non resizable frames column wise and shows brief descriptions of MCM, MCA & MBA. Use Files of Assignment No. 7. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Design a web page which is divided into 2 rows and again
divided into 2 columns. Left frame will contain links to
assignments and open those assignments in right frame.
Design a web page which is divided into 2 rows and again
second row is divided into 2 columns. Left frame will
contain links to various files of IMS and open those files
in right frame.
Design a web page showing client side image mapping having 2 areas- one rectangle and one circle. Upon clicking these areas a web page showing calculation of its area should be shown. | |||||
Design a web page showing client side image mapping having 1 area i.e. triangle. Upon clicking this area a web page showing calculation of its area should be shown. | |||||
Design internal style sheet for <p>, <h1> &
<h2> as follows:
<p> : Alignment: Right, text color: red, font face: Arial. <h1> : Alignment: center, text color: blue, font face: serif. <h2> : Alignment: Center, text color: pink, font face: Arial. & implement internal style sheet. |
Design external style sheet, same as above & implement it. |
Sr No
1 | Design a web page which will print "Hello World!!!!!!!!!". | |
2 | Design a web page which will prompt a message when user clicks on a button. | |
3 | Design a web page which will accept name from user and prints it with "Good Morning" message. | |
4 | Design a web page which will accept student name and class and marks of 5 subjects in textboxes and prints average marks in another textbox. Do blank validation for text as well as numeric fields. | |
5 | Write a program to study array methods. | |
6 | Write a program to study javascript string methods. | |
7 | Write a program to study javascript Date methods. | |
8 | Write a Script that finds occurrences of letter "h" in a given string, replaces it with "a" and prints the new string. | |
9 | Write a Script that accepts a number & print its reverse no. | |
10 | Design a web page using VBScript to print "Hello World" | |
11 | Write a program to print table of 5 using for loop. | |
12 | Write a VBScript program to print "Good Day !!!" in messege box on button click. | |
13 | Accept Name class and marks of user. And validate the text boxes. | |
14 | Write a program to use following date functions-
1. Date 2. Month 3. Now 4. MonthName 5. WeekDayName |
15 | Write a program to use following string functions-
1. LCase 2. Left 3. UCase 4. Right 5. StrReverse 6. Len |